The IT Manager Builds His Team Like a Sports Coach
He’s been an elite floorball player and now coaches his sons in football. Naturally, IT Manager Freddie Börjesson shapes his team like a sports coach would.
"We’re there for each other. Everyone knows their role and how we can support the company", he says.

The five-person IT team at Holtab brings a wide range of expertise. They train employees in the business system, handle hardware, networks, cloud solutions, and ensure that the IT environment is secure.
"Within the IT group, we primarily focus on strategic matters. We work on development projects and think ahead", says Freddie.
His role is to drive the team’s efforts so that Holtab continues to stay at the forefront of IT innovation.
"At the core, I see us as facilitators. Our job is to simplify things for our colleagues."

Practical Benefits
The pace of IT development is rapid, and there’s a lot of talk about artificial intelligence. Freddie welcomes this and is keen to test new methods and products. However, he believes it’s important to remember the purpose of using new technology.
"The purpose must be clear. It needs to solve a challenge for us—something that provides tangible benefits."
Before joining Holtab, he worked as an IT manager for nine years at a successful but much smaller company.
"At both companies, there’s been a strong focus on caring for employees. A family-like atmosphere", he says.

Holtab Impresses
Freddie is fascinated by how Holtab, which has grown consistently over the years and become a large company, has managed to maintain a sense of unity.
"Everyone is helpful, and you feel involved. It’s impressive."
The daily IT operations are managed externally, but does it ever happen that you have to step in and fix a computer screen that won’t turn on?
"I’m at my best when it comes to strategic matters. At the same time, I enjoy helping my colleagues. So sometimes I allow myself to get very hands-on. That’s how it is with technology—if someone’s about to enter an important meeting, it’s stressful if the tech doesn’t work. When I see panic in someone’s eyes, I don’t hesitate to step in", Freddie says with a laugh.