Holtab focuses on both people and technology
As Senior Business Developer, Mohamed Ezzo works to ensure that Holtab is at the forefront of new products and business models in the electricity market. “My task is to promote Holtab’s intrapreneurship,” he says.

Mohamed has been with Holtab since 2023, and he is hopeful about the ambition of creating good internal entrepreneurship, i.e. intrapreneurship.
“One of the most important factors for successful intrapreneurship is a permissive atmosphere, and that is what we have here,” he says.
When Mohamed was hired by Holtab, he had more than 20 years of experience in the electricity industry, including as an entrepreneur in solar energy and battery storage. Mohamed has been familiar with Holtab’s products for many years.
“I was responsible for the customer contact with Holtab in my previous role at ABB, so I knew that the technical level was high,” says Mohamed.

People First
In recent years, he has gained further insights into Holtab, such as the company’s commitment to increasing the proportion of women in the electricity industry.
"I understand that Holtab always puts people first. We want to be involved in developing the industry and ensuring that everyone feels included," he says.
Mohamed grew up in Egypt and Saudi Arabia with his Swedish mother and Egyptian father. In the summers, he visited Sweden for family get togethers.
After graduating as an electrical engineer, he moved to Sweden. After his first job at a cabling company, he moved to Ludvika and joined ABB.
"My background has given me an understanding of different cultures. In Egypt, social matters are important, relationships are prioritised in business. In Sweden, the focus is on technology and practical solutions. I try to unite these views," he says.
The best of both worlds
Mohamed admires Holtab’s way of combining a focus on technology with great appreciation for people.
"One of my driving forces is building relationships. I believe that more and more companies will highlight the human perspective in the future," he says.
Holtab is constantly developing products for use in electricity grid applications. To give customers peace of mind, the solutions are built on proven technology. At the same time, they need to be innovative.
We care about the reliability of what we create, but it is just as important that we can guarantee that our products can meet the needs of tomorrow. Digitalisation is soon an everyday reality and our products are adapted for increased control, monitoring and measurement," says Mohamed.
This article is part of the #JobbapåHoltab series – read more articles here.