Prefabricated ditribution stations for Kraftringen
Holtab’s distribution stations are based on an innovative way of working: they are built in a factory environment and supplied to the customer fully tested and ready for use. Three of these stations were delivered to Kraftringen.

In a historical perspective, these stations were always constructed on site, which is highly intensive in terms of resources and time. But potential risks are also reduced if less work is carried out in the field, as well as the problem of finding construction staff to be sent out on assignment.
When Kraftringen wanted to replace three stations in Belganet, Yxanäs and Hjorthålan, they contacted their contractor, Elkraftsbyggarna, and Holtab, to discuss the project. The specifications were agreed on and production started in the classic Holtab manner.
“We built two of the three stations completely in our factory in Tingsryd: we installed the switchgear and control room, which were then wired, configured and tested together with Elkraftsbyggarna to ensure that it all worked with Kraftringen’s overriding system,” recalls Michael Martinsson, who was Holtab’s project manager for this delivery.
Kristian Schultz is project manager at Elkraftsbyggarna, the contractor for the delivery, and handled the purchase of the stations. The fact that they opted for Holtab was due not least to the prefabricated way of working.
“The sites where the stations were to be set up are located somewhat out of the way, so to cut off-site costs we wanted them built ready for use by the supplier. Holtab’s offer of prefabricated distribution stations suited us perfectly and reduced our production costs.”

Advantages of prefabricated
Holtab has noticed that most market players compare this concept with the way things used to be done in the days of on-site construction. But the advantage of the prefabricated concept is that it is less expensive and faster, so we now maintain a close dialogue with contractors in the industry to explain the business idea behind it.
“In the coming years, the market will see a great increase in investment volume. Contractors who traditionally build on site will be fully booked, so that customers will find it difficult to carry out all the necessary investments. This is where our prefabricated distribution stations come into the picture with the promise of high quality paired with time savings and financial gains,” says Andreas Thern, sales manager for Sweden.
“My view is that our customers like the way we stick our necks out with this new concept, that they see us as bold and innovative and this is the right direction for them to take. We can maintain a high rate of production and are good at satisfying their wishes and requirements, so that we invariably supply solutions adapted specifically to their needs and fully appreciate the preconditions of each project,” says Thern. Kristian Schultz is very satisfied with the partnership and sees Holtab as a solution-oriented company.
“Good order is apparent across the board. As project manager, I really appreciated Holtab’s flexibility and willingness to find the best procedures during the production phase. I have felt quite at home working with their factory in Tingsryd.”
Fredrik Kristoffersson
Project Manager, The Lake Mälaren Region+46 70 317 78