Backup power for the crisis centre in Karlshamn
Holtab has helped to arrange backup power for the Östralycke retirement home located outside Karlshamn. In addition to being one of Sweden’s most modern retirement homes, it will serve as an assembly point and crisis centre in the event of a future crisis.

– If a war or any other kind of crisis were to occur, Östralycke would be an important assembly point in the area. Also, the kitchen would continue to deliver food to the entire local community as usual, says Mats Eriksson, project manager and co-owner of Elcom, an electrical installation company.
This commission has been one of the most extensive in Elcom's history. The project has lasted four years and Elcom has been the turnkey contractor for everything related to electricity, lighting, control, locks, telecommunications, ventilation, heating, cooling and data.
In addition to renovating and expanding the retirement home with new, state-of-the-art apartments, the catering kitchen is also being rebuilt. From there food will be delivered to all the local community’s households and schools. The retirement home will also serve as a crisis centre alongside the adjacent school, Korpadalsskolan.
Electricity guaranteed
The Östralycke retirement home’s designation as a crisis centre means that a reliable power supply is essential. If the local authority’s usual power supply system fails, the backup power has to work.
Holtab’s contract is about assisting Elcom with backup power. A complete station, with low voltage switchgear and an 821 kVA backup power unit, has been prefabricated at Holtab’s factory and delivered to Karlshamn in Blekinge.
Karlshamn County Council wanted emergency power to be located in the same building as the switchgear. The station needed to fit in with its surroundings and be architecturally appealing.
– We delivered a complete station, with low voltage switchgear and a backup power unit. Usually, backup power is provided separately in a container. Our solution makes it both more attractive and more service-friendly as the station provides better areas to build in compared to a container, says Anders Haglund, Sales Engineer at Holtab.
– The backup power unit is the largest Holtab has ever assembled, he adds.

There are many advantages to prefabricated solutions. We have been able to build the station quickly during wintertime without the customer needing to take responsibility for erecting a site in Karlshamn.
“We trust Holtab”
Elcom ordered a backup power solution from a reliable supplier, Olssons Elektromekaniska, who then visited Holtab’s factory in Tingsryd and installed the unit in the station built by Holtab.
– Everything went really well. This was a demanding process, given that several different players were involved and that there were many things that needed to fall into place. With all issues having been resolved, delivery was timely. We trust Holtab as they keep their promises, says Mats Eriksson at Elcom.
– Getting such a large backup power unit was something special and we’ve exchanged thoughts and ideas to our mutual satisfaction while the work was being performed. We’re pleased that we succeeded in finding a good solution, one that has appropriate significance and provides the right scope. The station could be transported to the site without requiring any special arrangements, says Michael Martinsson, Holtab’s Project Manager.
Advantages of prefab
According to Elcom’s Mats Eriksson, the fact that the auxiliary power and low voltage switchgear were manufactured and installed on site at Holtab's factory had several advantages. It was possible to build the station quickly during wintertime, and Elcom did not have to be responsible for a construction site in Karlshamn.
– It feels secure. It will be of high quality because we can come and examine the product on site before it's delivered, and it will be a safe chain in the delivery, he says.
The task was to secure the power supply to a retirement home and a catering kitchen that, during extraordinary events, could function as a crisis centre. A low voltage switchgear and a backup power unit were to be delivered in a station that was architecturally appealing.
Holtab built a station that houses both a low voltage switchgear and a backup power unit. It has a concrete foundation with cable basement for low voltage switchgear and a bund for diesel generators and tanks. The unit will be able to operate for at least 24 hours and if there is a leak, the bund will prevent the fuel from leaking out. The flooring can be removed, which means that cables can be connected from underneath. The housing has a long service life, at least 40 years (corrosion class C4) with minimal maintenance.
Holtab LV CMS switchgear, form 4a 1600A.
Service input from network owner E.on via 6//AL 240mm2.
Auxiliary power switching with circuit breaker and the possibility of parallel operation with mains, for example during test operation according to category. 4.
Outgoing groups, MCCB type in plug-in design.
The customer has received an aesthetically pleasing station that accommodates both backup power and low voltage switchgear. It offers a high level of staff safety with fuse-free technology and cell division according to the form 4a. This effectively limits any damage to the space where the faulty component is mounted, providing a robust solution with high availability.
The backup power plant is able to take over the entire load in the event of a grid interruption, securing the needs of the retirement home and its large kitchen, which play an important role for the community.