A transformer station needed to test racing engines
When successful racing team Cyan Racing built new premises, they also made sure to boost the capacity of their engine tests.

Daniel Nyquist works for Skanska Sverige in Gothenburg and was the buyer for the installations when Cyan Racing planned to build new premises in Mölndal for their operations. The premises also had to accommodate a workshop section where the team test their engines.
“Cyan noted that their test installation consumed more power than the equipment installed on the premises by Mölndal Energi could deliver. An immediate boost of capacity was needed, and I was tasked to look into the various alternatives,” recalls Nyquist.
An obvious move was to ask Mölndal Energi to install a bigger power facility, but that would have meant higher contract charges. So Nyquist decided to look into what various market players had to offer instead.
“Cyan has its own plot of land, so we realised it would be better if we also had our own transformer station. I contacted several suppliers, and after examining a number of alternatives, I was attracted by Holtab’s setup.”
It was not simply a matter of installing a standard station, as the customer had a list of specific requirements for both interior and exterior parts. Holtab’s Mikael Thorsell Gustavsson was responsible for the project and recalls the situation:
“It diverged from the standard model in several points. The customer had, for instance, specific requirements on the structural design and had engaged the services of Liljeval’s architects firm at an early stage of the project.”
Holtab built the station so that Skanska could mount façade panels on the outside, allowing it to blend in better with its surroundings. One short side also had to be angled to fit against an adjacent building, and a sedum roof was also specified. Holtab was to assume responsibility for the latter, as Skanska wanted quality assurances and to preclude any future discussions about responsibility.
“We worked with many different partners in this project. Our first contact was with the electricians even before the offer was submitted, as we acted as a sounding board to help them calculate energy requirements. Skanska then took over and finalised the order and we subsequently worked in parallel with the contractor, architect and electrical consultant, all of whom had their specific requirements,” says Thorsell Gustavsson.
Nyquist subsequently found that Holtab was a stable partner throughout all stages of the delivery process. v“They had been extremely helpful throughout the project and both we at Skanska and everyone else involved were satisfied with Holtab’s flexible and fast decision-making paths for all the special solutions that this station required.”
What Holtab delivered:
The project required many different customer adaptations, with both transformers placed at the same end of the station.
- 1 HCIC transformer station
- Six-compartment MSP + metering cabinet (12 kV)
- 1 transformer 1,250 kVA 12/0.72 kV
- 1 transformer 1,250 kVA 12/0.4 kV
- 2 low-voltage switchboards
- 1 low-voltage system (110 VDC)
- 1 fire alarm system